The True Spirit of the Season
By: Joyce K. Picker
Hanukkah, also spelled Chanukah due to the original Hebrew translation, is an eight-day Jewish festival that commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem following the Jewish expulsion to Babylon and the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Empire. It is the penultimate celebration of religious freedom, resilience, and divine intervention, a miraculous military victory that is especially relevant and reliable this year. Along with the dynamic military victory, we also celebrate a spiritual victory, and miracles associated with these, most vividly that for the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem, only enough pure oil was found amid the Temple ruins to kindle the menorah for one day, yet supernaturally it lasted for eight days.
These two themes, the military victory, and the miracles, play out in Jewish customs that have lasted for millennia. These include kindling a special eight-branch Chanukah menorah (chanukiah), prayers and songs recounting the miracles and military victory, and a variety of fried foods to commemorate the miracle of the oil. Special Psalms of thanksgiving are added to our daily prayers. It’s also a family holiday, and modern Israeli culture reflects all of these, including the ever-present Chanukah music in the background in malls and other places. Chanukah begins on the 25th day of the Biblical month of Kislev, which typically falls in November or December, based on the overlapping of the Biblical lunar calendar and the Gregorian (secular) solar calendar. This year it starts December 25, 2024 and lasts through January 2, 2025.
Hanukkah: Feast of Dedication
Before we understand the connection between Hanukkah and Yeshua, we need to review the backstory of the holiday. First of all, every December someone starts the debate over how to properly spell the name of this joyful event – is it Hanukkah or Chanuka? Maybe even Chanukah? Not easy to solve since the name is merely a transliteration of the holiday’s Hebrew name. But the wiser question would be, is the actual name of the holiday the Festival of Lights or rather Feast of Dedication?
So, let’s take a closer look at Hanukkah’s prophetic story, to fully grasp its message of light and dedication. And, why Hanukkah mattered to Yeshua.
History of Hanukkah Before Yeshua
Have you ever had a season in your life when you thought, God is surely silent and distant? Then, you realize later that He was simply working behind the scenes. What is more, He did it in a way that you never expected. This has often been the traditional Christian view of Hanukkah. It occurred less than 200 years before the life of Yeshua, between the time of Malachi and John the Immerser. This 400-year season in traditional biblical history is often referred to as “the silent years”. Yet, God is rarely silent and was still at work behind the scenes.
The Books of Maccabees
The Hanukkah story is recorded in the Book of John, when Yeshua proclaimed Himself , the Light of the World. At its core, it is a celebration of casting Greek influences out of Jewish life and returning to God’s instructions for life and worship. In a word, it is re-dedication.
The book of 1 Maccabees in the Apocrypha speaks of Jewish zealots who were passionate for the Torah. They followed the ways of the Lord, and they could no longer compromise with the oppressive Greek influence of idol worship.
After years of outnumbered warfare, a great Jewish military victory was won. They threw out the foreign invaders, both physically and spiritually. As the first act of victorious freedom, their eyes turned to the desecrated temple.
Something needed to be done to rally and refocus the people to the worship of the One true God, as instructed by Moses.
Restoring the Temple
The Temple needed to be cleansed and restored. The Talmud tells us that the large golden menorah with 7 lamps was found and returned to its place. However, the special oil found with it was enough only for one day. The process to make this holy oil was week-long. It involved beating (not pressing) the olives, then allowing them to sit, to naturally drain the oil. Rather than continuing in darkness, the decision was made to follow the commandments with what they had. They followed instructions of Moses, even if for just one day.

A Step of Obedience
And you shall command the sons of Israel that they bring you clear oil of beaten olives for the light, to make a lamp burn continually. Exodus 27:20
They took the oil and lit all the wicks on the menorah. Yet, day after day the oil lamp flames miraculously remained burning bright. They lasted until the end of the 8th day when the new oil was ready. This is the miracle of Hanukkah. Also called the Festival of Lights or the Feast of Dedication, it speaks of God taking the little that we have and multiplying it.
Perhaps this is the God that you recognize. He is the One who enjoys responding to overwhelming odds. He loves the passionate devotion of those that follow Him. And He is the One who multiplies the little that we offer Him into more than enough for a nation.
What is Hanukkah: Festival of Lights
Today Hanukkah is celebrated with a unique menorah with 9 branches, rather than the normal seven. In many ways, Hanukkah celebrations resemble those commemorating the birth of Yeshua. Gifts, decorations, sweet deserts and games are used to remember the great miracle that God provided in these 8 days and nights. Hanukkah is also a holiday where a Shabbat – complete rest – is not required. It contrasts with Passover or other biblical holidays where the Scriptures command a Shabbat. Regardless of what day of the week it falls on, Hanukkah simply calls for a celebration. It is a time to be with family, remembering God’s deliverance of Israel in her time of need. And it’s a time for joyous songs and prayers. It is not just a one-day celebration, but it lasts all 8 days. Much of the rejoicing centers around the nightly lighting of the 9-branched Hanukkah menorah, called Hanukkiah.

What is a Hanukkiah (or Hanukkiyah)?
We finally get to the significance of the Hanukkah candles. There are eight candles for each day of the holiday. And then, there is one that is different. Often it is positioned higher than the rest. Not seldom it is right in the middle. This unique candle has a special role, called the shamash, meaning servant. Traditionally, the shamash candle has an exclusive job – to light all the candles on the Hanukkiah. Rather than lighting each candle with a match, only “the servant” is lit in the raised position. The flaming servant is then used to light the rest of the candles. With each day of the celebration, a new branch is lit. Unsurprisingly, many recognize the role of Jesus in the special candle on the Hanukkah menorah.
Did Yeshua Celebrate Hanukkah?
I'm so glad you asked! Yes, He did! In the first century, you can imagine the excitement and festive atmosphere in the land, as the Temple stood in Jerusalem. Even Yeshua showed up for the celebration of this Feast of Dedication. It was the season of remembering a victory of a righteous priestly deliverer. In the context of another occupation, this time Roman, the Jews come to Yeshua and said: “if you are the (Messiah), tell us plainly.”
John 6 tells the story of Yeshua multiplying a few loaves and fish to feed 5000 people. And in John 8, He proclaimed Himself “the Light of the World”. Now, we are in John 10, at the time of Hanukkah. Many saw the correlation, so they asked Him about it directly:
At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place in Jerusalem; it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple area, in the portico of Solomon. The Jews then surrounded Him and began saying to Him, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Messiah, tell us plainly.” John 10:22-24

Why was Hanukkah Important to Yeshua?
Yeshua’s response was beyond what they expected. They were looking for salvation by an earthly deliverer from earthly problems. Yeshua talked to them about eternal life and not being snatched from the Father’s hand. And then, He stated, “I and the Father are one.” (John 10:30). He was the Deliverer they were looking for, but for a life far beyond the earthly troubles. While being fully engaged in this world, there is another world that we are a part of. Jesus was celebrating with Israel the rededication of Temple.
Notice that John calls it the Feast of the Dedication and not the Festival of Lights. I don’t believe the latter is wrong but perhaps “dedication” is where we should put our focus.
Celebrating the Festival of Lights with Yeshua
Yeshua encouraged returning to God. He spoke of knowing His sheep and following His voice on a day that celebrated the return to the Torah.
From its inception, Hanukkah, the Feast of Dedication, is a time and season for rededication to God. It could refer to the rededication of the Temple at the time of the Maccabean revolt. But what started the revolt was dedication to the Torah and to the God of Israel. God loves responding to those that take the time to dedicate and rededicate themselves to His ways, regardless of personal cost.
But what if I’m a Christian?
Do Christians need to celebrate a Jewish military victory? Should they focus on a holiday that is not in the canon of Scripture, and happened in the “silent years”? The answer is, No. You don’t need to. But you GET to! I love that answer! Aside from the fact that it was significant enough for Yeshua to join the celebrations. It is a wonderful time to reflect on the origin of the holiday. Dedicate yourself to God and His ways.
When we do, we may often find that God only feels silent and distant. But He is very near, preparing us for multiplication. And the time is coming when His Shamash – His Servant – will reignite His light in our life.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for sending us the Light of The World, the greatest Servant of all and whether we are Jews or Christians, we recognize the need for a Savior, one spotless, sinless Lamb who took our sins and died for us all. To those of us who accept Him and make Him Lord of our lives, we are humbled to celebrate this blessed and wonderful time of victory. We pray all will see Yeshua as the Light of the world who stepped out of Heaven to save us, deliver us and set us free to be a light to others! Amen

I love you guys and gals. Have a blessed and wonderful Hanukkah or Christmas. Make it a day to realize what the Lord has done for us and the miracles of the season. Celebrate Life!
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*Tree of Life (TLV) Translation of the Bible. Copyright © 2015 by The Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society.