pray for israel
why pray and care for israel?
Christians owe a great debt to the Jewish people. From them we have received the Prophets, the Apostles, the Bible, the Messiah and Salvation.
There is a divine purpose of bringing world-wide blessing through the Jewish people. Through them, God will perform His final plan of redemption.
Israel is loved by the Father in Heaven. Shouldn’t we love what the Father loves? Read Romans 9:10-11, Jeremiah 31, Isaiah 62, Isaiah 40 and Psalm 135:4.
Because of the Abrahamic Covenant, God will treat us as we treat the Jewish people. (God’s covenants can be made, but never broken.) Genesis 12:3.
“Now is the time to favor Zion...the set time has come.” Psalm 102:13
We are to “speak tenderly to Jerusalem” and “comfort God’s people.” Isaiah 40:1
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